Wednesday, August 25, 2010


All my college friends are leaving to go back to school! It is SOOOOO depressing. I wish i were in college..........

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is a posting test sent via text from my phone.

God bless!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Last week we started school, and this Monday my fam added the rest of our subjects to our sceduels. So now i am waking up at 6am and finishing around 4pm. It has been hectic, and i am on a brake right now to be able to be sharing this.

I have really been reminded that i have to have my daily walk with god every morning. If i do not get it done then, it usually doesn't happen that day.

The reason we started 2 weeks before most public schools, is because mom and dad will most likely be traveling to china to get the two boys we are adopting in October. We do not know the exact date, so we must trust in God to keep us patient during this waiting period. If you did not already know about us adopting, you can learn more, and see pictures of the boys on moms blog ( I am slowly ambling through my school and now i am about to take on 2 fall jobs (refereeing and mowing). Life will be very busy for a few months.....

I have one minute until brake is over.
In Christ,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Everlasting to Everlasting

Hello again,
As you can see, i have basically redone my blog from head to toe...

A few days ago, i was looking at my pictures and posts, and realized that it was all about me. I was doing this for self-glorification, and that is not what i intended it to be. So today starts a new blog for me, Everlasting to Everlasting. Although i have changed the name and theme of my blog, the web address (URL) will stay the same (

I hope to attain complete focus on Christ, and others, as opposed to basking in self admiration. To accomplish this, i will not be posting as many pictures, and the ones that i do post, won't necessarily have been taken be me.

Thus the entire point of "Everlasting to Everlasting" is to bring glory to Christ, and bring others to know Him the way i know Him.
